Living Bark

The druid has learned how to combine his connection with nature and his healing powers to a greater degree. When this mode is enabled it increases manacost of all spells by 10% but when druid's overtime heals tick, if they heal at least one hitpoint then if there is any healing left after the target is healed to full, the leftover does not just disappear but instead creates an affect on the target in the form of bonus to fast hp regen. Druids call this effect an "overheal". When multiple overtime heals tick at the same time, they heal the target together so their total healing is considered for the purposes of overheal, not just the one that goes over the full hitpoints of the target. I.e. if regrowth ticks at the same time as lifebloom, then their combined power is used for purposes of overheal, not just the one that heals to full and over. Overheal is not triggered when target already has full hitpoints. The maximum bonus fastregen bonus from living bark is equal to 25% of druid's maxmana. If target already has living bark effect and another overheal happens, the existing living bark grows up to the maximum.


Improved Living Bark

Druid can now create more powerful living bark effect. It's maximum grows to 30% of maxmana.

Dependencies: living bark

Extended Living Bark

Druid can now create even more powerful living bark effect. It's maximum grows to 40% of maxmana.

Dependencies: improved living bark

Enhanced Living Bark

The druid has now more control over living bark. He can now create it from regrowth even if target already has full hitpoints. But the effect only works with regrowth, not with other heals.

Dependencies: extended living bark

Advanced Living Bark

The druid has learned another mechanism to create a living bark. Overheal is now always triggered from the final tick of lifebloom, assuming it is not all used up for healing. In other words, if target has full hitpoints when lifebloom ticks the last time, it's full healing is used to create living bark (or enhance an existing one).

Dependencies: enhanced living bark

Tree Of Life

Druid is getting close to the nature and the nature response to their calls. They now can take form of tree of life and improve their healing. Turning into tree form is almost instantaneous but the transformation back takes a while as the druid needs to fully restore all biological functions. While transformed, druid has no melee attacks. Even in combat the druid does not fight back and never tries to hit enemy. While tree of life is active (and not fading) the barkskin has increased effect. Their bark is much tougher than steelskin and also provides bonus to mana regeneration. The druid doesn't need to recast barkskin when shifting to the tree form, the barkskin toughens immediately but it fully disappears when druid starts shifting back to normal form. Tree of life increase all manacost by 20% and increase the effectiveness of your healing over time by additional 25%.

Dependencies: advanced living bark

Improved Tree Of Life

Druid can now take better advantage of tree of life form. In combat they regenerate mana at the same rate as out of combat as they are, after all, not actually attacking.

Dependencies: tree of life

Extended Tree Of Life

Barkskin in tree of life form becomes even more powerful, providing also extra hitpoints. Additionally, the manacost requirement of tree of life is reduced to only +10%.

Dependencies: improved tree of life

Enhanced Tree Of Life

Power of nature can also affect healing from overtime heals while in tree of life form. If it does, there is 10% chance to call a wisp. Wisps can be used to reduce manacost of spells (when cast via wispcast command) and to power up some effects.

Dependencies: extended tree of life + seed of life mastery

Advanced Tree Of Life

When overtime heal other than regrowth ticks on someone in the group while they have full hitpoints, a wisp appears. Only one wisp per mns may appear this way.

Dependencies: enhanced tree of life

Superior Tree Of Life

The tree of life can turn on a pulse of life. This keeps an effect on everyone in the group that heals them every 3 rounds for 5xeff hitpoints. The effect lasts eff/10 cbr and when it runs out (or when druid joins the group) it is automatically refreshed for 300 mana per group member. This effect counts as healing over time for purposes of living bark.

Dependencies: advanced tree of life

Tree Of Life Mastery

This skill is pinnacle of druid evolution. Barkskin provides huge boost to armor, mana regen promile and also provides physical resistance. All healing is increased by 10%.

Dependencies: superior tree of life

Seed Of Life

With seed of life the druid can protect their compares from huge blows. If a character with seed of life receives a blow for more hitpoints than their current health, the seed instantly blooms and intercepts the attack, fully absorbing it. If the character has lifebloom when seed of life triggers, the lifebloom is consumed and heals with its last healing power, as if it expired naturally. Including possible overheal effect. The duration of seed of life is short but it gets refreshed to full each time lifebloom finishes. So as long as the druid keeps lifebloom on the target then their seed of life won't wither. Seed of life requires that target has living bark on them to fully take hold, and the living bark is consumed by the seed of life. This requirement is waived if druid uses wispcast to cast seed of life as wisps make the spell more flexible (and in that case living bark is not consumed).

Dependencies: extended tree of life

Improved Seed Of Life

When seed of life consumes lifebloom, the lifebloom heal effect is strenghtened by the power living bark effect used to create the seed of life. The bonus is proportional to strength of consumed living bark effect, up to +100% when living bark was fully powered up.

Dependencies: seed of life

Extended Seed Of Life

As the druid casts seed of life on a character that has living bark on them, they can connect with the living bark and cast the spell much faster. Depending on the power of living bark, it could be up to 75% faster. This also works for groupcast, in that case it uses druid's living bark for the purpose of figuring out the speedup.

Dependencies: improved seed of life

Enhanced Seed Of Life

As the druid casts seed of life on a character that has living bark on them, they can connect with the living bark and cast the spell much easier, using less mana. Depending on the power of the living bark on the target it can be up to 75% cheaper. This skill also makes groupcasting seed of life 25% cheaper.

Dependencies: extended seed of life

Advanced Seed Of Life

When seed of life blooms (because the character would have been killed by the damage) it not only prevents the damage but also covers the character in a layer of petals that acts as a temporary extra hitpoints. The duration and strength of the petals depend on the strength of character's living bark.

Dependencies: enhanced seed of life

Seed Of Life Mastery

When seed of life triggers and forces lifebloom to do its last bloom, the overheal effect from it is twice as powerful.

Dependencies: advanced seed of life

Lifebloom Mastery

The druid has learned how to make lifebloom more powerful. In Tree of Life form they can utilize their swiftness bonus to sometimes make lifebloom double its effect. The chance for doubling is 1/100 of swiftness value.

Dependencies: tree of life mastery

Deep Roots

Druid take deep roots, which starts to grew deeper and deeper during the combat. During this time, druid can't flee by any means, will not be scared out of combat nor will be a flee by his own choice. However, longer this takes, stronger bonus this gets. Druid absorb surrounding nutritions and empower themselves. This depends on the surrounding. In forest this charges quicker and it takes very long in the air.

Dependencies: tree of life mastery

Lifestream Mastery

The druid in tree of life form can now utilize their swiftness to make lifestream heal more often. Each time any overtime heal can tick, lifestream can tick even if it normally wouldn't. The chance of this is 1/100 of druid's swiftness.

Dependencies: tree of life mastery

Regrowth Mastery

The druid in tree of life form can now utilize their swiftness to make regrowth heal more often. Each time any overtime heal can tick, regrowth can tick even if it normally wouldn't. The chance of this is 1/200 of druid's swiftness. Also, regrowth mastery allows the druid to cast regrowth with groupcast.

Dependencies: tree of life mastery


When the druid in Tree of Life form casts flourish, the target receives temporary hitpoints worth 25% of druid's maximum mana. This can stack to up to 50% of druid's maximum mana if cast repeatedly. Flourish then remains on the target for 4mns, +1mns per 100 levels, and at the beginning and end of melee it heals the target for amount of damage equal to level + 10% of missing hitpoints. The healing effect of flourish enchantment works the same way as healing over time except its different timing. As flourish creates a burst of healing energies, it interferes with tranquility effect and reduces temporary hitpoints from tranquility by 25%. Which is not really that much of a problem because flourish provides its own temporary hitpoints to offset that.

Dependencies: lifebloom mastery

Improved Flourish

Overtime healing from Tree of Life is 10% more powerful when target is flourishing.

Dependencies: flourish

Extended Flourish

The initial pool of temporary hitpoints from flourish is increased to 1/3 of druid's maxmana.

Dependencies: improved flourish

Enhanced Flourish

Each time flourish triggers to heal damage, it also adds temporary hitpoints worth half of the healing it does.

Dependencies: extended flourish

Advanced Flourish

Advanced flourish weakens some negative enchantments cast at the target. If they cause penalty to stats, the penalty is 20% lower.

Dependencies: enhanced flourish

Soothing Mist

In the Tree of Life form the druid can create a mist in the room that partially suppresses magic powers. All magic damage in the room is reduced by 30%. This applies both to friends and enemies. This spell is incompatible with antimagic mist, if one is in the room then the casting the other just fails, and vice versa.

Dependencies: lifestream mastery

Improved Soothing Mist

The soothing mist from the druid is modified a bit so those with pulse of life are not limited so much. Their damage spells are reduced only by 15%.

Dependencies: soothing mist

Extended Soothing Mist

The druid can now spread soothing mist even without casting a spell, they just need to will it happen and the mist spreads from their branches.

Dependencies: improved soothing mist

Enhanced Soothing Mist

The druid can now invoke soothing mist even in combat when using it as a skill and not spell. Also, the mana requirements, in both skill and spell form, are reduced by 50%.

Dependencies: extended soothing mist

Advanced Soothing Mist

Advanced soothing mist also reduces damage of all area spells in the room by 20%. This is on top of original reduction of all magic damage.

Dependencies: enhanced soothing mist

Fresh Air

The druid spreads fresh air around themselves when they are in the form of the Tree of Life. This fresh air increases the power of refreshing overtime spells by 5%.

Dependencies: advanced blessing of nature

Improved Fresh Air

With improved fresh air the druid makes their overtime refreshing spells additional 5% more powerful.

Dependencies: fresh air

Extended Fresh Air

With extended fresh air the druid makes their overtime refreshing spells further 10% more powerful.

Dependencies: improved fresh air

Enhanced Fresh Air

Reduces movecost of skills for all group members in the room by 10%.

Dependencies: extended fresh air

Advanced Fresh Air

Reduces movecost of melee attacks for all group members in the room by 10%.

Dependencies: enhanced fresh air

Forest Walker

In the Tree of Life form the druid can make their blessing of nature more powerful when in forest (including forest created with wild growth). In the forest the blessing triggers cure body each minitick, not only sometimes.

Dependencies: advanced soothing mist

Improved Forest Walker

Ad druid gets more acquanted with the tight link with nature that is achievable in the forest, they can make better use of natural channel and get more mana back through it.

Dependencies: forest walker

Extended Forest Walker

The druid can use the abundant plant power in the forest to power up their pulse of life. In the forest it ticks every round instead every three.

Dependencies: improved forest walker

Enhanced Forest Walker

In the forest the druid can use more powerful version of Tranquility. The conversion rate from living bark to temporary hitpoints is increased by 50%.

Dependencies: extended forest walker + advanced tranquility

Advanced Forest Walker

In the forest the druid can use more powerful version of Ancient Tree. The manacost reduction is further improved based on the number of wisps the druid currently has.

Dependencies: enhanced forest walker + improved ancient one

Superior Forest Walker

The final bloom of lifebloom is 50% more powerful in the forest.

Dependencies: advanced forest walker

Ultimate Forest Walker

The druid has such a tight connection to the forest that in the Tree of Life form they can maintain forest, via wild growth, easier, costing 25% less mana.

Dependencies: superior forest walker

Forest Walker Mastery

In the forest the Tree of Life can tap the power of nature more often, increasing the chance it happens by 25%. Also, it becomes more powerful, increasing the lower limit of the boost by 50%.

Dependencies: ultimate forest walker


The Tree of Life can force all overtime heals to tick out of rhythm. All the effects work just like the overtime heals triggered on their own and the forced tick reduces their duration by one.

Dependencies: advanced flourish

Improved Nourishment

When the druid triggers overtime heals with nourishment, the overheal effect of the triggered heals is 20% stronger.

Dependencies: nourishment

Extended Nourishment

When the druid triggers overtime heals with nourishment, the healing effect of the triggered heals is 20% stronger.

Dependencies: improved nourishment

Enhanced Nourishment

When target has flourish, nourishment also adds temporary hitpoints equal to 10% of druid's maxmana. If the target already has temporary hitpoints from enhanced nourishment, it will be topped up to 10% and its duration restored. If the temporary hitpoints are not consumed within 10ms they disappear without further effect.

Dependencies: extended nourishment

Advanced Nourishment

Casting nourishment has 10% chance to attract a wisp, as long as it forces at least one overtime heal to tick.

Dependencies: enhanced nourishment

Friend Of The Forest

When druid enables Friend of the Forest mode, manaharvest skill is modified so it doesn't provide mana but instead attracts wisps. Given that this form no longer increases druid's mana reserves, there is no risk of getting hit by lightning.

Dependencies: extended forest walker

Improved Friend Of The Forest

When doing manaharvest in friend of the forest mode, the minimum number of wisps attracted is higher. Even in city there will be at least three wisps responding to the call, as long as druid can accommodate them. The druid still cannot have more than twenty wisps.

Dependencies: friend of the forest

Extended Friend Of The Forest

When the druid attracts wisps with manaharvest, the wisps also bring huge boost to mana regeneration for a short while.

Dependencies: improved friend of the forest

Enhanced Friend Of The Forest

When the druid uses manaharvest in friend of the forest mode and there is no space for more wisps, the druid instead gains some mana. Each wisps attracted this way recovers 5% of missing mana. Because the recovery is based on missing mana there is no risk of overflow.

Dependencies: extended friend of the forest

Advanced Friend Of The Forest

When the druid uses manaharvest in friend of the forest mode in the forest there are always at least ten wisps attracted.

Dependencies: enhanced friend of the forest

Breath Of Life

In the Tree of Life form the druid can release a whiff of live-giving air, so-called breath of life. This effect instantly revives all player corpses in the room as if rebirth spell was cast on them. Breath of life can only be used when druid has at least ten wisps and those are consumed in the process.

Dependencies: advanced nourishment

Improved Breath Of Life

The breath of life the druid can produce is now more powerful. All characters revived with it, if there is no combat in the room, are revived with full hitpoints.

Dependencies: breath of life

Extended Breath Of Life

The druid has learned how to exhale breath of life easier. The move requirement is halved when there is no combat in the room.

Dependencies: improved breath of life

Enhanced Breath Of Life

The druid has learned how to exhale breath of life with less mana. The mana requirement is halved when there is no combat in the room.

Dependencies: extended breath of life

Advanced Breath Of Life

When the druid uses breath of life when there is no combat in the room it now covers the revived character with full-power living bark.

Dependencies: enhanced breath of life

Rooted In Place

When the druid puts down deep roots, they can extend them and revert some of the offshoots back above ground to grab anyone and everyone fighting in the room, preventing them from moving away. As the roots keep all the combatants more or less in place, they make it more difficult to fight. All physical damage is reduced by 10% and it is more difficult to parry, dodge or block with shield. The roots also help the combatants to remain standing so it prevents the combatants from falling down, for example after bash. It doesn't prevent being shaken by such attacks, however, so victim of a bash still can't do anything, they just don't fall.

Dependencies: deep roots + advanced nourishment

Improved Rooted In Place

If someone tries to flee through the roots, some roots get entangled with the character and there is 30% chance that the tangles slow down the character, as with slow effect.

Dependencies: rooted in place

Extended Rooted In Place

The penalty to parry, dodge and shield block from rooted in place is halved for those who have blessing of nature.

Dependencies: improved rooted in place

Enhanced Rooted In Place

With enhanced rooted in place the melee damage reduction is only 5% for those who have blessing of nature.

Dependencies: extended rooted in place

Advanced Rooted In Place

With advanced rooted in place those who have blessing of nature will not get tangled up in the roots if they try to flee.

Dependencies: enhanced rooted in place

Pollen Of Life

The Tree of life can spread a magically-charged pollen which increases all overtime heals to group members. The bonus to healing and duration of the effect depend on the power of the living bark each target has. The bark is consumed as the pollen lands on the target. It is possible to use wisps instead of mana to spread pollen of life. In such case it doesn't even use living bark from the targets, instead the power of the pollen is based on the number of wisps used, with 10% of power per wisp, up to 100% when ten wisps are used.

Dependencies: advanced natural heal + advanced fresh air

Improved Pollen Of Life

Reduces manacost of pollen of life to 1000 mana.

Dependencies: pollen of life

Extended Pollen Of Life

Pollen of life restores duration of lifebloom when it hits the target.

Dependencies: improved pollen of life

Enhanced Pollen Of Life

Pollen of life also creates a pool of temporary hitpoints. The amount depends on the power of living bark consumed by the pollen, with the maximum being the same as living bark power.

Dependencies: extended pollen of life

Advanced Pollen Of Life

When the druid spreads pollen of life, there is a chance a wisp will show up. The chance depends on the average power of living bark the pollen consumes on the group.

Dependencies: enhanced pollen of life

Boon Of The Forest

Boon of the forest provides protection from dispelling. This takes form of an enchantment with high saving dispel value.

Dependencies: advanced friend of the forest

Improved Boon Of The Forest

Improved boon of the forest reduces manacost of this spell by 20%.

Dependencies: boon of the forest

Extended Boon Of The Forest

Extended boon of the forest reduces manacost of this spell by further 25%.

Dependencies: improved boon of the forest

Enhanced Boon Of The Forest

Enhanced boon of the forest doubles the duration of the spell.

Dependencies: extended boon of the forest

Advanced Boon Of The Forest

When an overtime heal is dispelled from a character affected by boon of the forest, the druid can utilize the remaining healing energy of the dispelled heal and channel it through the boon so it is applied all at once. The druid can only utilize the overtime heals they cast but it doesn't matter where the boon came from. Note that the ordering of spells affected by dispel is not predictable so even if victim of the dispel does have the boon of the forest, it is possible for overtime heals to not provide full healing if the boon is destroyed first. This doesn't happen very often, though, as the boon is much more expensive and therefore much more resistant to dispel than the heals so there is very good chance that the boon survives the dispel even if it gets targetted for removal before the overtime heal.

Dependencies: enhanced boon of the forest

Seasonal Bloom

#noformat Each season in the year results in different herbs and flowers growing and blooming, or being productive in some other way. Even in winter there are herbs that grow stronger in that season. When druid transforms into Tree of Life form, they can tap into this power and gain a bonus according to current season: Spring: innate mana regen rate is increased by 10% Summer: druid gets +50 mana regen promile Autumn: druid gets +100 fast mana regen Winter: druid gets 5% discount on manacost of all spells.

Dependencies: advanced breath of life

Improved Seasonal Bloom

The druid can draw more power from the seasonal bloom. The effect is increased by 25%

Dependencies: seasonal bloom

Extended Seasonal Bloom

The druid can draw more power from the seasonal bloom. The effect is increased by further 25%

Dependencies: improved seasonal bloom

Enhanced Seasonal Bloom

The druid can draw more power from the seasonal bloom. The effect is increased by further 25%

Dependencies: extended seasonal bloom

Advanced Seasonal Bloom

The druid can draw more power from the seasonal bloom. The effect is increased by further 25%

Dependencies: enhanced seasonal bloom

Pollen Of Unbound Nature

The Tree of life can spread a magically-charged pollen which increases the will to be free. Each time an overtime heal ticks on a character there is a chance the character would break out of web or wake up from magical sleep (but not death bed). The power of the pollen is the chance the roll for freeing is made. The power of the effect depend on the power of the living bark each target has. The bark is consumed as the pollen lands on the target. It is possible to use wisps instead of mana to spread pollen of unbound nature. In such case it doesn't even use living bark from the targets, instead the power of the pollen is based on the number of wisps used, with 10% of power per wisp, up to 100% when ten wisps are used.

Dependencies: advanced pollen of life

Improved Pollen Of Unbound Nature

Reduces manacost of pollen of unbound nature to 1000 mana.

Dependencies: pollen of unbound nature

Extended Pollen Of Unbound Nature

Extended pollen of unbound nature also adds significant boost to saving paralyze, increasing the chance that the character won't even need to try to break out of web or sleep. The amount of saving depends on the amount of living bark used.

Dependencies: improved pollen of unbound nature

Enhanced Pollen Of Unbound Nature

Enhanced pollen of unbound nature ensures that final tick of lifebloom always breaks web, sleep or paralyze (but not death bed, let alone mind stop). It also gives a chance to break from paralysis with each overtime heal tick, just like basic version does for web and sleep.

Dependencies: extended pollen of unbound nature

Advanced Pollen Of Unbound Nature

When the druid spreads pollen of unbound nature, there is a chance a wisp will show up. The chance depends on the average power of living bark the pollen consumes on the group.

Dependencies: enhanced pollen of unbound nature

Pollen Of Dragontree

The Tree of life can spread a magically-charged pollen which reduces the damage from breath attacks. The power of the effect depend on the power of the living bark each target has. The bark is consumed as the pollen lands on the target. It is possible to use wisps instead of mana to spread pollen of dragontree. In such case it doesn't even use living bark from the targets, instead the power of the pollen is based on the number of wisps used, with 10% of power per wisp, up to 100% when ten wisps are used.

Dependencies: advanced pollen of life

Improved Pollen Of Dragontree

Reduces manacost of pollen of dragontree to 1000 mana.

Dependencies: pollen of dragontree

Extended Pollen Of Dragontree

Extended pollen of dragontree also provides a bonus to saving breath.

Dependencies: improved pollen of dragontree

Enhanced Pollen Of Dragontree

Enhanced pollen of dragontree additionally provides a bonus to breath resilience.

Dependencies: extended pollen of dragontree

Advanced Pollen Of Dragontree

When the druid spreads pollen of dragontree, there is a chance a wisp will show up. The chance depends on the average power of living bark the pollen consumes on the group.

Dependencies: enhanced pollen of dragontree

Pollen Of Longevity

The Tree of life can spread a magically-charged pollen which reduces melee damage to group members. The damage reductionand duration of the effect depend on the power of the living bark each target has. The bark is consumed as the pollen lands on the target. It is possible to use wisps instead of mana to spread pollen of longevity. In such case it doesn't even use living bark from the targets, instead the power of the pollen is based on the number of wisps used, with 10% of power per wisp, up to 100% when ten wisps are used.

Dependencies: advanced pollen of life

Improved Pollen Of Longevity

Reduces manacost of pollen of longevity to 1000 mana.

Dependencies: pollen of longevity

Extended Pollen Of Longevity

Extended pollen of longevity extends the damage reduction to all physical attacks.

Dependencies: improved pollen of longevity

Enhanced Pollen Of Longevity

Enhanced pollen of longevity also provides physical resilience. The bonus depends on the power of the living bark the pollen consumes.

Dependencies: extended pollen of longevity

Advanced Pollen Of Longevity

When the druid spreads pollen of longevity, there is a chance a wisp will show up. The chance depends on the average power of living bark the pollen consumes on the group.

Dependencies: enhanced pollen of longevity

Pollen Of Pabulum

The Tree of life can spread a magically-charged pollen which increases the effect of fast hp regeneration stat (FAST_HPREGEN) and fast move regeneration stat (FAST_MOVEREGEN) for group members. The power of the effect depend on the power of the living bark each target has, the power expresses percentage increase in the regen stats. The bark is consumed as the pollen lands on the target. It is possible to use wisps instead of mana to spread pollen of pabulum. In such case it doesn't even use living bark from the targets, instead the power of the pollen is based on the number of wisps used, with 10% of power per wisp, up to 100% when ten wisps are used.

Dependencies: advanced pollen of life

Improved Pollen Of Pabulum

Reduces manacost of pollen of pabulum to 1000 mana.

Dependencies: pollen of pabulum

Extended Pollen Of Pabulum

Extended pollen of pabulum also adds a pool of temporary hitpoints. The size of the pool depends on used living bark, the same way as with regen boost.

Dependencies: improved pollen of pabulum

Enhanced Pollen Of Pabulum

Enhanced pollen of pabulum adds fast move regen and also makes all fast move regen more efficient, the same way as it does with fast hp regen.

Dependencies: extended pollen of pabulum

Advanced Pollen Of Pabulum

When the druid spreads pollen of pabulum, there is a chance a wisp will show up. The chance depends on the average power of living bark the pollen consumes on the group.

Dependencies: enhanced pollen of pabulum

Pollen Of Euphoria

The Tree of life can spread a magically-charged pollen which reduces all damage to group members by up to 25% if they are cursed. The power of the effect depend on the power of the living bark each target has. The bark is consumed as the pollen lands on the target. It is possible to use wisps instead of mana to spread pollen of euphoria. In such case it doesn't even use living bark from the targets, instead the power of the pollen is based on the number of wisps used, with 10% of power per wisp, up to 100% when ten wisps are used.

Dependencies: advanced pollen of life

Improved Pollen Of Euphoria

Reduces manacost of pollen of euphoria to 1000 mana.

Dependencies: pollen of euphoria

Extended Pollen Of Euphoria

This skill extends the pollen of euphoria to add extra 20% reduction if the target is affected by unlucky effect.

Dependencies: improved pollen of euphoria

Enhanced Pollen Of Euphoria

Enhanced pollen of euphoria also provides rainbow effect, regardless of weather.

Dependencies: extended pollen of euphoria

Advanced Pollen Of Euphoria

When the druid spreads pollen of euphoria, there is a chance a wisp will show up. The chance depends on the average power of living bark the pollen consumes on the group.

Dependencies: enhanced pollen of euphoria

Tree Eternal

When the druid in Tree of Life puts down Deep Roots, they can draw energy from nature to supplement the cost of the pollens they spread. The manacost of pollens is reduced by 10%.

Dependencies: advanced pollen of longevity + advanced pollen of pabulum + advanced pollen of euphoria + advanced pollen of unbound nature + advanced pollen of dragontree

Improved Tree Eternal

When the druid uses wisps to spread a pollen, the delay is reduced by the power granted by wisps, -10% per wisps, up to complete removal of the delay if used with ten wisps.

Dependencies: tree eternal

Extended Tree Eternal

With extended tree eternal the druid no longer needs to worry about different group members having a pollen for different amount of time. All targets get the pollen for the same duration, based on the largest duration in the group.

Dependencies: improved tree eternal

Enhanced Tree Eternal

When the druid creates a pollen with duration at least 5mns they also get a small boost to swiftness for 5 rounds. The boost depends on the duration of the pollen created but it cannot be restored or upgraded, it needs to wear off and then new one can be triggered.

Dependencies: extended tree eternal

Advanced Tree Eternal

With advanced tree eternal when the druid spreads a pollen using wisps, when that pollen fades out it doesn't disappear completely but lingers with 20% strength until the target leaves the group or the druid uses wisps for another pollen. Or restores the same pollen via any means to full strength, of course.

Dependencies: enhanced tree eternal


The druid can now enter a state of being where the wounds take a while to actually start hurting. A state of tranquility. In this state the overhealing from periodic heals is only half as strong as normal so it takes twice as long to fully charge living bark. But the other half of the healing power does not vanish. Instead, for each nine points of overheal that do not go towards living bark the healing effect creates eight points of temporary hitpoints (in other words, the conversion rate is 9:8 from overheal to temporary hp). The maximum amount of temporary hitpoints from tranquility is the same as the maximum power of living bark (so it takes longer to reach it as the conversion is not fully efficient). With Tranquility the druid needs to pay 10% more mana for all spells.

Dependencies: advanced boon of the forest + advanced fresh air + advanced seasonal bloom

Improved Tranquility

The duration of temporary hitpoints from tranquility is doubled.

Dependencies: tranquility

Extended Tranquility

The conversion rate from overheal to temporary hp is improved to 3:4 (every three points of overheal create four points of temporary hp).

Dependencies: improved tranquility

Enhanced Tranquility

When a heal triggered with nourishment causes an overheal with tranquility, the druid also gets a short-term boost to swiftness.

Dependencies: extended tranquility

Advanced Tranquility

When power of nature triggers on a heal and that heal would cause an overheal, with advanced tranquility the overheal is 30% stronger. This is calculated before part of the overheal is transformed to temporary hitpoints which means it also increases the amount of temporary hitpoints.

Dependencies: enhanced tranquility

Grow Sapling

#noformat When the druid puts down their deep roots they can let the roots sometimes split off and sprout a sapling. This sapling manifests as a follower and it will cast one of the overtime heals, except lifebloom and regrowth, or a cure body spell. The sapling has 25% of druid's maxmana and magical power. It's level is minimum required to cast its spell or 25% of druid's level, whichever is higher. Each time the sapling casts its spell, half of the cost comes from its mana but the other half comes from druid's mana. Once the druid or the sapling runs out of mana, the sapling withers out and disappears. The druid can have at most three saplings, no more saplings will sprout until one of them is gone. When the druid withdraws deep roots for any reason, the saplings become disconnected and leave the group. The types of saplings are as follows: +------------------+---------------------------+ | Sapling | Spell | +------------------+---------------------------+ | holly sapling | minor rejuvenation | | cypress sapling | rejuvenation | | fir sapling | dewfall | | spruce sapling | renewal | | myrtle sapling | refreshing breeze | | juniper sapling | refreshing wind | | birch sapling | refreshing maestral | | poplar sapling | refreshing spirit of wind | | willow sapling | cure body | +------------------+---------------------------+ When the druid disengages deep roots it also automatically turns off grow sapling as saplings can only be grown from deep roots.

Dependencies: advanced tranquility

Improved Grow Sapling

Increases sapling level to 50% of druid, unless level required by spell is already higher. Also, with improved grow sapling the chance to sprout a sapling each minitick is doubled.

Dependencies: grow sapling

Extended Grow Sapling

Increases sapling's maxmana to 50% of druid's. Also, the chance of a sapling sprouting increases to triple of the base chance.

Dependencies: improved grow sapling

Enhanced Grow Sapling

#noformat Each sapling gradually replenishes druid's mana as if the druid had an extra boost to fast manaregen. The stronger the spell the sapling casts the weaker regen and vice versa. +------------------+----------------------+ | Sapling | Fastregen Equivalent | +------------------+----------------------+ | holly sapling | 500 | | cypress sapling | 250 | | fir sapling | 100 | | spruce sapling | 50 | | myrtle sapling | 500 | | juniper sapling | 250 | | birch sapling | 100 | | poplar sapling | 50 | | willow sapling | 350 | +------------------+----------------------+

Dependencies: extended grow sapling

Advanced Grow Sapling

Saplings sprouted with this skill are much more helpful. The sapling knows druid skills for reducing spell manacost. They also use Tree of Life form, their overheals trigger living bark and add temporary hitpoints via tranquility.

Dependencies: enhanced grow sapling

Ancient One

The druid can now transform into a much more powerful version of Tree of Life. This is called an Ancient One. The wisps are not just passively waiting for druid to call on them but their mere presence makes Tree of Life stronger. Each wisps adds 1% to the overheal effect from overtime heals.

Dependencies: advanced grow sapling

Improved Ancient One

With improved ancient one the druid can get more help from the wisps. When casting flourish on themselves, the druid needs to spend 2% less mana for each wisp currently available.

Dependencies: ancient one

Extended Ancient One

With extended ancient one the druid can get even more help from the wisps. All healing from overtime heals is increased by 0.5% per wisp.

Dependencies: improved ancient one

Enhanced Ancient One

The wisps no longer help Ancient One with healing but also protect it. Each wisp provides -2 saving enchant.

Dependencies: extended ancient one

Advanced Ancient One

Each time the druid attracts a wisp the wisp also brings small amount of mana. Furthermore, every now and then a wisp shows up for no apparent reason, as long as the druid has available space for more wisps.

Dependencies: enhanced ancient one

Superior Ancient One

When the druid uses wispcast, each wisp present (either being used for the spell or remaining after the spell) reduces the delay after the wispcast by 2%.

Dependencies: advanced ancient one

Ultimate Ancient One

The wisps increase the regenerative effect of additional wisdom for the Ancient One. For each wisp the effect is 5% stronger.

Dependencies: superior ancient one

Ancient One Mastery

The druid has achieved the mastery of Ancient One powers. They can now have five extra wisps at once.

Dependencies: ultimate ancient one