block piercing attacks, damage -30% (toggle)
Dependencies:can now block even slash attacks
Dependencies: weapon block20% chance to block skills with slashing/piercing weapons, damage penalty only 20%
Dependencies: improved weapon blockcan block skills with slashing/piercing weapons reliably (based on level difference)
Dependencies: extended weapon blockdamage penalty reduced to 10%
Dependencies: enhanced weapon blockwhen dagger is disarmed, put it in inventory instead of on the ground (autoskill)
Dependencies: weapon blockimmediatelly rearm disarmed dagger or prevent failure of catch dagger
Dependencies: catch daggerAssassins are far more dexterious with dualdagger equipped. This skill allows you to quick stab unsuspecting enemy with your offhand dagger. If you do so you have 100% chance to invoke weaponspell and all applicable assasin poisons.
Dependencies: weapon blockhalf damage, cannot use skills except stab, each melee hit has chance to disarm weapon (toggle)
Dependencies: improved catch daggerskill, slash damage with piercing dagger, damage reduced by 95%
Dependencies: disarming stabdamage penalty reduced to 90%
Dependencies: chopdamage penalty reduced to 85%
Dependencies: improved chopdamage penalty reduced to 75%
Dependencies: extended chopwhen exploiting wait for chance bonus, damage penalty is ignored
Dependencies: enhanced choptoggle, 50% increase of skill delay, successfull hit with skill decreases victim's pierce resist by 1, this penalty is immediately removed when victim stops fighting, maximum effect -100, lower when mob has pierce > 900
Dependencies: advanced chopdelay increased by 25% only, instead of 50%
Dependencies: impart dagger vulnerabilitypierce resist effect is 2 per hit instead of 1
Dependencies: improved impart dagger vulnerabilitypierce resist effect is 3 per hit, maximum effect increased to -150
Dependencies: extended impart dagger vulnerabilitymaximum effect increased to -250
Dependencies: enhanced impart dagger vulnerabilityeffect increased to 5 per hit
Dependencies: advanced impart dagger vulnerabilityuse sharpening tools (the same as for sharpen dagger) to add +5% of weapon avg to damroll. EffLevel ticks, cannot combine with other dagger upgrades
Dependencies: advanced impart dagger vulnerabilitydamroll bonus +10%, duration eff/2 ticks
Dependencies: damaging daggerdamroll bonus +15%, duration eff/4 ticks
Dependencies: improved damaging daggerdamroll bonus +22%, duration eff/8 ticks
Dependencies: extended damaging daggerdamroll bonus +33%, duration eff/10 ticks
Dependencies: enhanced damaging daggerGives you 2% of your weapon AVG as hitroll for eff ticks.
Dependencies: advanced impart dagger vulnerabilityhitroll bonus 4%, duration eff/2 ticks
Dependencies: sharpen daggerhitroll bonus 6%, duration eff/4 ticks
Dependencies: improved sharpen daggerhitroll bonus +10%, duration eff/8 ticks
Dependencies: extended sharpen daggerhitroll bonus +16%, duration eff/10 ticks
Dependencies: enhanced sharpen daggertoggle, reduce damage output by 60%, convert 20% of damage from dagger to slash
Dependencies: advanced sharpen dagger + chopdamage penalty only 50%, convert 33% to slash
Dependencies: cuttingconvert 50% to slash
Dependencies: improved cutting + impart dagger vulnerabilitydamage penalty only 25%
Dependencies: extended cuttingconvert 80% to slash
Dependencies: enhanced cuttinguse poisoning tools to add poisoning property to dagger, each hit with toxic dagger has 20% to impart neural toxin to victim for 5 rounds, victim has 10% to lose melee attack and 25% to miss combatskill, can be healed with healing light; toxin lasts for 5 poisonings or eff/2 ticks; cannot combine with other dagger upgrades
Dependencies: advanced sharpen daggerchance to impart poison increased to 25%, toxin withstands 10 poisonings before wearing off
Dependencies: toxic daggertoxin duration on victim increased to 10 rounds
Dependencies: improved toxic dagger + damaging daggertoxin power increased to 15% chance to lose melee attack and 35% to miss combatskill
Dependencies: extended toxic daggertoxin cannot be cured with soul renewal nor with healing light, will last eff ticks on dagger or 20 uses and has 30% to poison on hit
Dependencies: enhanced toxic daggeruse runemaking tools to add cursing effect to the dagger, effect has 10% chance to flash on hit, lasts eff/5 miniticks on dagger and curses victim for eff/15 ticks; cannot combine with other dagger upgrades; curse can be removed with healing light or soul renewal
Dependencies: advanced toxic dagger15% chance to flash
Dependencies: runed daggereffect stays for eff/3 miniticks on dagger and eff/10 ticks on victim
Dependencies: improved runed dagger25% chance to flash
Dependencies: extended runed dagger + advanced cutting50% chance to flash during backstab (25% otherwise)
Dependencies: enhanced runed daggercurse will last for eff/2 ticks on victim if delivered via backstab
Dependencies: advanced runed daggerluck increased by 25 when using dagger, delay of dagger skills decreased by 3%
Dependencies: advanced runed daggerluck increased by 50 when using dagger, delay of dagger skills decreased by 5%
Dependencies: dagger poetryluck bonus 80, delay bonus 7%
Dependencies: improved dagger poetryluck bonus 125, delay bonus 10%
Dependencies: extended dagger poetryluck bonus 200, delay bonus 15%
Dependencies: enhanced dagger poetryuse runemaking tools to add penetrating effect to the dagger, effect increases limit where high pierce resist starts to reduce forged damage from 900 to 925, duration 2*eff mns
Dependencies: dagger poetrylimit increased to 950
Dependencies: penetrating daggerdoubled duration of affect
Dependencies: improved penetrating daggerlimit increased to 975
Dependencies: extended penetrating dagger + dagger masterypierce resist no longer applies when computing forged damage
Dependencies: enhanced penetrating daggerallow 2 different dagger upgrades together
Dependencies: advanced dagger poetryallow 3 different dagger upgrades together
Dependencies: dagger masteryallow 4 different dagger upgrades together
Dependencies: improved dagger masteryallow 5 different dagger upgrades together
Dependencies: extended dagger masteryno restriction to number of different dagger upgrades
Dependencies: enhanced dagger mastery + masterful runed daggerelemental forging converts 60% of pierce damage to forged type (if there is some other conversion active, like cutting, apply forging first (this order may be changed in future))
Dependencies: advanced penetrating dagger70% conversion
Dependencies: dagger forging mastery80% conversion
Dependencies: improved dagger forging mastery90% conversion
Dependencies: extended dagger forging mastery + advanced dagger masteryall pierce damage converted to forged type (thus it makes no sense to use several different elemental forging affects on the same dagger as only the first one will be used and no pierce part will remain for other one)
Dependencies: enhanced dagger forging masteryconvert pierce damage into body via powerful toxin (use poisoning dagger tools for this forge), duration eff/10 ticks, will last for eff hits before being exhausted
Dependencies: advanced dagger forging masterydouble hits before exhaustion
Dependencies: disrupting daggerdouble duration
Dependencies: improved disrupting dagger3x eff hits before exhaustion
Dependencies: extended disrupting dagger5x eff hits before exhaustion, duration eff/2 ticks
Dependencies: enhanced disrupting daggerAssasins are bad at damaging undead monsters. So bad that even undead humanoids can't be damaged because of missing weak spots. With this dagger enchantment you can hit humanoid parts of undead to deliver fatal blows. Beware this poison works only on HUMAN undeads. Use blessing dagger tools for this forge! Duration: eff/10 ticks Hits: eff
Dependencies: advanced dagger forging masterydouble hits before exhaustion
Dependencies: positive energy daggerdouble duration
Dependencies: improved positive energy dagger3x eff hits before exhaustion
Dependencies: extended positive energy dagger5x eff hits before exhaustion, duration eff/2 ticks
Dependencies: enhanced positive energy daggerBy using poisoning tools you can add poison that disturb enemy mind to that point so backstabbing them will be piece of cake. This poison is so powerfull that it can disrupt any being that you can encounter. At the end doing damage and hitting an enemy are two different things. Each hit with disturbing dagger has 20% to impart disturbing poison to victim for 5 rounds. Victim has lowered perception so it is much easier for you to hit them. (50% of hits)
Dependencies: advanced dagger forging masteryChance to impart poison increased to 25% and chance to hit is increased by 10%
Dependencies: disturbing daggerPoison duration on victim increased to 10 rounds and chance to hit is increased by 10%.
Dependencies: improved disturbing daggerPoison chance increased to 30% and duration on victim by another 10%
Dependencies: extended disturbing daggerIncreased chance to hit enemy by another 15% so 95% in total.
Dependencies: enhanced disturbing dagger