Using healing magic for their entire life, priests find a way to focus divine attention to a particular person, so that they can spend less mana to heal this person. On the flip side, with this focus active, priest has to spend more mana to heal anyone else. After activating this focus it takes a while before priest can deactivate it again, or focus on someone else.
Dependencies:Further study of principles healing focus, coupled with devoted prayers to Gods allows priests to increase benefit from this focus and to save even more mana. Naturally, the extra cost of healing other beings is higher as well, but only by smaller fraction.
Dependencies: healing focusFurther study of principles healing focus, coupled with devoted prayers to Gods allows priests to increase benefit from this focus and to save even more mana. Naturally, the extra cost of healing other beings is higher as well, but only by smaller fraction.
Dependencies: improved healing focusFurther study of principles healing focus, coupled with devoted prayers to Gods allows priests to increase benefit from this focus and to save even more mana. Naturally, the extra cost of healing other beings is higher as well, but only by smaller fraction.
Dependencies: extended healing focusFurther study of principles healing focus, coupled with devoted prayers to Gods allows priests to increase benefit from this focus and to save even more mana. Naturally, the extra cost of healing other beings is higher as well, but only by smaller fraction.
Dependencies: enhanced healing focusPriest's duty in a group is usually taking care of wounded, poisoned, or otherwise crippled allies. Since magic is often used in battle, he often finds himself not only curing his friends from physical wounds, but also removing some dangerous enchants. This skill is to help quickly figure out what, if anything, ails the target creature.
Dependencies: improved healing focusThis skill allows more detailed disease detection, producing output not dissimilar to that of detect magic spell.
Dependencies: disease detectionAfter mastering healing touch, it was only natural step to extend this technique for other uses. Priest simply prays to Gods for different kind of benefit. This particular touch restores all movepoints to target.
Dependencies: improved healing touchThis upgrade to refreshing touch allows priest to restore movepoints to all nearby group members simply by touching any of them or his own body.
Dependencies: refreshing touchVery skilled priests are able to cure more bad enchants and diseases than just basic curse, poison or blindness. Any potion or lowly cleric can do that! But priests who devoted their entire life to tending wounds and mending bodies should be able to do more. And indeed they do, with body restoration ritual. It can remove any single bad enchant if it affects body. Please note that basic body restoration skill only grants 65% chance to cure targeted enchant, so you may have to try again (or learn improved body restoration skill). The ritual lasts about two combat rounds, during which priest can not be disturbed, or separated from target of this ritual, or the ritual fails. Target character's life must also be protected by Gods, unless caster performs this ritual on himself.
Dependencies: improved disease detectionThis skill shortens duration of body restoration ritual to just one combat round, and gives you 100% chance to remove targetted affect.
Dependencies: body restorationExtended body restoration allows you to cure multiple enchants during a single ritual. Just cast the body restoration spell without specifying any affect, and the ritual will attempt to remove all body related bad affects. Of course, nothing is without price, so each removed affect will noticably increase manacost of the ritual. When removing multiple affects, chance of success is 65% for each.
Dependencies: improved body restoration + advanced repeated healingThis skill grants you 100% chance of success even when removing multiple affects during body restoration ritual.
Dependencies: extended body restorationReduces manacost of body restoration ritual by a third. When used in a peaceful room the cost is reduced by a half instead.
Dependencies: enhanced body restorationThis intense prayer provides all members of priest's group with divine sustenance, removing the need of mundane food or water for the duration of the spell. Target's immediate thirst and hunger are satisfied as well.
Dependencies: body restorationThrough learning this skill a priest can master an art of inner rhytm that allows her to perform life saving actions exactly when they are needed, unless the delay from previous action exceeds one combat round.
Dependencies: advanced healing focusDuring combat, it is often useful to know if someone is affected by a certain enchant. This skill allows you to do watch for particular enchant on particular person. It works just like lifeguard skill, except that it displays a warning if targetted person is affected by specified enchant, at end of each combat round.
Dependencies: body restorationAfter mastering healing touch, it was only natural step to extend this technique for other uses. Priest simply prays to Gods for different kind of benefit. This particular touch has effect equivalent to cure body spell.
Dependencies: extended healing touchThis upgrade to curing touch allows priest to free target from dreaded paralyze spell simply by touching it.
Dependencies: curing touchThis skill allows you to perform body restoration even if subject of this ritual is in combat. You still have to be in the same room with them, and you can't be in combat yourself.
Dependencies: improved body restorationThis skill allows you to perform body restoration ritual when you are in combat. Your mind must be in inner peace for this to work. However, each damage you receive has a chance of interrupting the ritual - the bigger the damage, the greater is chance of failure.
Dependencies: combat body restoration + enhanced body restorationPriests work well with sorcerers in combat, providing health restoration after sorcerers' mana channeling. During prolonged fight, however, channel disruption becomes an issue for any sorcerer, who eventually need to sleep it off, or rely on a harmony recovery spell, which of course doesn't work well in combat. This skill adds a small chance for a miracle or high miracle spell to harmonize target's mind a little bit, removing some of their disruption. This also works to relieve psychic stress for psionics.
Dependencies: enhanced repeated healingThis skill increases chance and power of the harmonic effect, provided by a succesful harmonic healing skill.
Dependencies: harmonic healingThis skill increases chance and power of the harmonic effect, provided by a succesful harmonic healing skill.
Dependencies: improved harmonic healingThis skill increases chance and power of the harmonic effect, provided by a succesful harmonic healing skill.
Dependencies: extended harmonic healingFurther improves the chance of harmonic healing.
Dependencies: enhanced harmonic healingAfter mastering healing touch, it was only natural step to extend this technique for other uses. Priest simply prays to Gods for different kind of benefit. This particular touch allows you to recover mind harmony of touched character.
Dependencies: enhanced healing touchHELP MISSING
Dependencies: enchantguardTime is of the essence, so it was inevitable that priests came up with group version of disease detection spell. It allows priest to quickly detect all bad enchants on nearby members of his group.
Dependencies: disease detection + enchantguardThis skill allows you to watch someone's hitpoint conversions using skills such as mana channel, dark ritual, endure or refresh self. It is useful mainly for keeping an eye of those pesky sorcerers. :) This basic skill only informs you that your target has converted their hitpoints, you won't know the amount.
Dependencies: improved harmonic healingThis upgrade to channelguard skill allows you to see approximate amount of converted hitpoints. It is not very accurate, but it's useful to know if your target has only converted 1 hp, or 8000 hp.
Dependencies: channelguardThis upgrade to channelguard skill allows you to see how many percent of their maximum hitpoints did your target convert. What more do you want?
Dependencies: improved channelguardWhen healing channelguard target with high miracle, the manacost is reduced by the ratio of hitpoints not healed. In other words, if you cast high miracle at your channelguard target when they have full hitpoints, the cost is reduced by 100% (i.e. it is free). Similarly, if the target has 80% hitpoints and the spell only heals 20%, the cost is reduced by 80%.
Dependencies: extended channelguardDealing with life-hungry sorcerers should always be a secondary consideration for the priest as if priest heals the sorcerer but lets the tank die, the sorcerer would die soon, together with the rest of the group. With better understanding of channelguard the priest finds it easier to deal with such issues as they can now cast spells through channelguard faster because the target of channelguard is not in the midst of battle and thus is easier for aiming the spell.
Dependencies: enhanced channelguardUsing this prayer a priest can draw divine courage from her god and grant it to her group. The only downside (or possibly another advantage) is, that whoever is granted with both newlife and prayer of courage at the same time, is so sure of himself that he won't flee from combat unless really determined to do it.
Dependencies: inner rhythm + extended repeated healingTime of peace spell is a very useful, and often life-saving, spell, but it can undo lot of hard work spent bringing that tough monster's health down. This skill makes it a bit more bearable, as it causes only 25% of hitpoints being restored for anyone outside of caster's group. Members of caster's group still get the usual one third of their maximum hp back.
Dependencies: advanced repeated healing + improved body restorationThis upgrade skill causes only 20% of hitpoints restored to anyone outside of caster's group. Members of caster's group still get the usual one third of their maximum hp back. This is not cumulative with other peace benefits upgrades.
Dependencies: peace benefitsWith this upgrade, anyone outside caster's group gets 20% of their maximum hp back, while members of caster's group get 50% back. This is not cumulative with other peace benefits upgrades.
Dependencies: improved peace benefits + enhanced body restorationWith this upgrade, anyone outside caster's group gets only 10% of their maximum hp back, while members of caster's group get 50% back. This is not cumulative with other peace benefits upgrades.
Dependencies: extended peace benefitsReduces restoration of enemies to only 5%.
Dependencies: enhanced peace benefitsThis skill allows you to recover harmony to someone who is in combat, as as long as you yourself are not fighting. As any experienced priest will tell you, this saves some time and effort during prolonged combat, where magic users' minds can get very tired. Note, however, that harmony recovery spell has weaker effect when there is someone fighting in the room you're casting it.
Dependencies: combat body restoration + harmonic healingThis skill allows you to perform body restoration ritual when you are in combat. Your mind must be in inner peace for this to work.
Dependencies: combat harmony recovery + extended harmonic healingThis mighty prayer grants whole group a noticable increase in maximum hit points.
Dependencies: advanced holy armorThis skill increases boost provided by prayer of fortitude.
Dependencies: prayer of fortitude + prayer of sustenanceThis skill further increases boost provided by prayer of fortitude.
Dependencies: improved prayer of fortitude + free actionThis skill increases boost provided by prayer of fortitude even further.
Dependencies: extended prayer of fortitude + advanced second lifeFurther increases maxhp bonus from prayer of fortitude.
Dependencies: enhanced prayer of fortitude + advanced new life sustainThe first time in a round when char is affected by negative enchantment that can be removed with body restoration, that enchantment is immediately removed. This prayer is mutually exclusive with prayer of devotion, mending, serenity, stability and resilience
Dependencies: improved combat body restorationAfter prayer of purity triggers for the first time, the first time after that the character is affected by curse or poison, that curse or poison is immediately dispelled, too.
Dependencies: prayer of purityExtended prayer of purity protects against one more poison or curse in a round.
Dependencies: improved prayer of purityEnhanced prayer of purity protects against one additional poison or curse in a round.
Dependencies: extended prayer of purityWhen prayer of purity removes the first negative enchant in the round it also heals the character for 5% of maximum hitpoints.
Dependencies: enhanced prayer of purityThis mighty legendary spell is an upgrade of remove paralysis spell. Not only it removes all effects preventing loss of an ability to act to each group member, it also provides immunity to such effects for the next few combat rounds.
Dependencies: enhanced body restoration + inner rhythmIt is always frustrating to cast new life spell on someone, and then have it disappear again few seconds later, when tickcounter ticks off. This skill helps a bit. It will ensure that any new life affect which was cast 10 or less seconds before tick will have duration of at least 2 ticks.
Dependencies: extended body restoration + enhanced harmonic healingThis skill will ensure that any new life affect will have duration at least 2 ticks.
Dependencies: new life sustainThis skill will ensure that any new life affect will have duration 3-4 ticks.
Dependencies: improved new life sustain + extended life protect + improved new life reinforcingIncreases duration of new life enchant to 4-6 ticks
Dependencies: extended new life sustainIncreases duration of new life enchant to 6-10 ticks
Dependencies: enhanced new life sustainThis skill allows you to keep the new life affect up on a character, renewing its duration with each cast, instead of having to wait for the old affect to fade and cast new life again. Of course, 80% hitpoint restriction still applies.
Dependencies: new life sustainThis skill allows you to save some mana when reinforcing an existing new life affect.
Dependencies: new life reinforcingThis skill further increases amount of mana saved during new life reinforcing.
Dependencies: improved new life reinforcingThis skill further increases amount of mana saved during new life reinforcing.
Dependencies: extended new life reinforcingWhen you cast group new life out of combat and at least one member of the group still has new life on them, the spell is 10% cheaper.
Dependencies: enhanced new life reinforcingThe priest negotiate peace with the helps of divine beings. They hear priest plead for peace and make room peaceful. This however is at cost, that for the duration, priest dedicate whole mana for this.
Dependencies: advanced peace benefitsThe angels speaks to priest. They warn priest about incoming danger, allowing the priest to prepare ahead of time. The priest will automatically cast group superheal at cost of 300 mana prior to any area of effect damage (breaths, spells, whirls). This can happen only once per combat turn. This is useful if the group is low and priest did not heal the group.
Dependencies: extended life protectThe priest has learned how to react more efficiently to the message from the angels. This allows them to reduce the manacost of the response to the message to only 200 mana.
Dependencies: spiritual messageThe priest can respond to the message from the angels with greater presence of mind, allowing them to use more powerful magic as a response. This manifests as group ultraheal spell instead of group superheal.
Dependencies: improved spiritual messageThe priest can now respond to the spiritual message so efficiently that they can do it twice in a round.
Dependencies: extended spiritual messageWhen the priest reacts to the spiritual message, the heal also provides suppress curse effect until next round. This increases the cost of the response by 100 mana.
Dependencies: enhanced spiritual messageAdventurers have always envied certain beings of the realm their innate new life trait. No wonder, the ability to rise back after being killed over and over is a useful survival trait. Now even you can experience this, although in limited scope. If a priest with knowledge of lasting life casts new life spell on you, there is a certain chance that when you are killed and your new life brings you back, it will remain with you. Only once per spell, though - we do not want immortal adventurers now, do we? :) For this to work, the priest who cast new life must still be in game, and the chance is just 5%.
Dependencies: extended life protectThis skill improves chance of lasting life by another 5%.
Dependencies: lasting life + extended new life reinforcingThis skill improves chance of lasting life by another 5%.
Dependencies: improved lasting lifeThis skill improves chance of lasting life by another 5%.
Dependencies: extended lasting lifeThis skill improves chance of lasting life by another 5%.
Dependencies: enhanced lasting lifeIf a person has new life affect, their only fear is to be killed with one of the finishing moves, like disembowel, or reaper. This skill is an upgrade to new life, offering partial protection even from that. However, as this is somewhat advanced divine magic, it is a bit tricky. In order for second life to work, the new life spell must be cast by a priest with at least some knowledge of second life. Also, when the finishing blow comes, the priest must be in the room with the victim, and the victim must of course have life protect. Even if all these conditions are met, the chance is only 10%. But that's better than nothing, right?
Dependencies: extended new life reinforcingThis skill improves chance of second life by another 5%.
Dependencies: second life + enhanced life protectThis skill improves chance of second life by another 5%.
Dependencies: improved second lifeThis skill improves chance of second life by another 5%.
Dependencies: extended second lifeThis skill improves chance of second life by another 10%.
Dependencies: enhanced second lifeThis skill increases chance of new improved life protect to 100%.
Dependencies: advanced life protectThe priest expresses his devotion to his comrade which inspires the target with greater ability to avoid damage from melee attacks. This works by making the damage reduction from AC more efficient. For AC between 0 and -2000, the damage reduction from AC works as if AC was 50 points better. This prayer is mutually exclusive with prayer of mending, purity, serenity, stability and resilience.
Dependencies: advanced spiritual messageThe damage reduction from AC between 0 and -2000 works as if the AC was further 50 points better.
Dependencies: prayer of devotionThe damage reduction from AC between 0 and -2000 works as if the AC was further 75 points better.
Dependencies: improved prayer of devotionThe damage reduction from AC between 0 and -2000 works as if the AC was further 100 points better.
Dependencies: extended prayer of devotionThe damage reduction from AC between 0 and -2000 works as if the AC was further 125 points better.
Dependencies: enhanced prayer of devotionThere are times when an incoming damage is just way too big for good long-term prospects. Usually the right thing to do is to heal that damage. But sometimes there comes an attack that is just way too big to survive. With prayer of stability the priest can ensure that no single attack is powerful enough to kill, at least not the first one. The first attack in a round that would deal damage worth more than 20% of hitpoints to a protected character would instead be capped at 20%. The power of this prayer resets at the start of each round's melee. This prayer is mutually exclusive with prayer of devotion, mending, purity, serenity and resilience.
Dependencies: enhanced lasting lifeReduces the limit of maximum damage from single attack to 15%.
Dependencies: prayer of stabilityReduces the limit of maximum damage from single attack to 10%.
Dependencies: improved prayer of stabilityThe first activation of new life in a round resets prayer of stability so it can trigger twice in a round. Should new life trigger multiple times in a single round, prayer of stability is reset only with the first one.
Dependencies: extended prayer of stabilityThe duration of prayer of stability is doubled.
Dependencies: enhanced prayer of stabilityThis mighty spell affects whole caster's group. Any time is the protected person damaged, the prayer triggers and heals him for low amount of health. This effect can only trigger once per combat round. This prayer is mutually exclusive with prayer of devotion, purity, serenity, stability and resilience.
Dependencies: life protect mastery + advanced new life reinforcingThis spell upgrades prayer of mending with additional effect: If the protected person's health drops considerably low after receiving damage, he is instantly healed by additional moderate amount. This effect can trigger once per combat round.
Dependencies: prayer of mending + advanced lasting lifeThis upgrade increses number of times improved prayer of mending efect can occur to up to twice per combat round.
Dependencies: improved prayer of mendingThis upgrade increses number of times improved prayer of mending efect can occur to up to three times per combat round.
Dependencies: extended prayer of mending + advanced redemptionDoubles the duration of prayer of mending.
Dependencies: enhanced prayer of mending + advanced second lifeWith prayer of resilience it is easier to resist the lethal blows, assuming one has second life enchantment. The chance of second life protecting from lethal blow is increased by a third, i.e. if the base chance is 15% then it becomes 20% (+5%). This prayer is mutually exclusive with prayer of devotion, mending, purity, serenity and stability.
Dependencies: advanced second lifeImproved prayer of resilience increases the chance of second life by another third, so base chance of 15% grows to 25% (+2x5%).
Dependencies: prayer of resilienceExtended prayer of resilience adds one more third to base chance of second life, effectively doubling it (because it's now extra three thirds).
Dependencies: improved prayer of resilienceEnhanced prayer of resilience increases the chance of second life by another third (for a total of x2.33).
Dependencies: extended prayer of resilienceAdvanced prayer of resilience increases the chance of second life by another third (for a total of x2.66).
Dependencies: enhanced prayer of resilienceWhen new life is triggered and consumed, it is often a sign of death coming. But with redemption things may not be so bad. Consuming new life when under effect of redemption activates bonus affect which temporarily increases maximum hitpoints of the character by 5%.
Dependencies: extended resurrectionIncreases hitpoint bonus from redemption by additional 5% of maxhp. This only works if the caster of redemption spell is in the room when it triggers.
Dependencies: redemptionIncreases hitpoint bonus from redemption by additional 5% of maxhp. This only works if the caster of redemption spell is in the room when it triggers.
Dependencies: improved redemptionIncreases hitpoint bonus from redemption by additional 5% of maxhp. This only works if the caster of redemption spell is in the room when it triggers.
Dependencies: extended redemptionIncreases hitpoint bonus from redemption by extra 5% of maxhp. This only works if the caster of redemption spell is in the room when it triggers.
Dependencies: enhanced redemptionUpon mastering this skill a priest is able to sleep even in the midst of combat if she is affected by inner peace spell.
Dependencies: advanced inner peaceNew life spell protects you and your mates from dying then they run out of health but when it does so, the effect is consumed and doesn't protect anymore. Nothing prevents you from refreshing the effect but there are times when, for whatever reason, you won't be able to restore new life enchant while you are healing. Enter delayed new life. With it you can protect your mates even further as your healing spell that heals a target who doesn't have new life anymore but has delayed new life waiting would transform the delayed new life into a normal new life enchant. Note that the heal from new life itself doesn't trigger delayed new life. Neither does newly cast new life spell trigger delayed new life because there would be no point.
Dependencies: enhanced lasting life + enhanced second lifeIncreases duration of delayed new life to 5 ticks.
Dependencies: delayed new lifeDelayed new life from you transforms to full new life immediately when new life is used up (i.e. not retained via lasting life or second coming) if the victim has redemption enchantment.
Dependencies: improved delayed new life + advanced redemptionWhen delayed new life triggers it also adds an effect for three combat rounds that increases chance of second life protecting from finishing moves by 15 percentage points (i.e. if the chance would be 25% this effect increases it to 40%).
Dependencies: extended delayed new life + advanced second lifeWhen delayed new life triggers it also adds an effect for three combat rounds that increases chance of lasting life restoring new life by 15%.
Dependencies: enhanced delayed new life + advanced lasting lifeThis skill prevents dispelling of your grup enchants by rerouting energy from other group members. This results in reduced duration of such group enchant.
Dependencies: enhanced new life reinforcing + extended new life sustain + prayer of fortitudeThis skill is probably every priest's dream. Through very advanced divne magic a priest is able to extend the duration of positive spells effects she casts to the full duration. That means that knowing this skill actually allows group enchants to affect all group members with the same duration regardless of them having them already applied or not.
Dependencies: groupenchant stabilityWith prayer of serenity it is much easier to fight even very powerful enemies. The character under influence of this prayer enters a serene state of mind and simply doesn't mind that much how the opponent is strong. This effectively reduces the level difference between character and the opponent (if the opponent is higher level) by 15%. Obviously this only applies for effects that are based on level difference. Note: this does NOT apply for exp calculations, only for skills. This prayer is mutually exclusive with prayer of devotion, mending, purity, stability and resilience.
Dependencies: blessing masteryReduces level difference by additional 15%.
Dependencies: prayer of serenityReduces level difference by additional 15%.
Dependencies: improved prayer of serenityReduces level difference by additional 15%.
Dependencies: extended prayer of serenityReduces level difference by additional 15%.
Dependencies: enhanced prayer of serenityThere are times when life just seems to sprint before your eyes and death is surely upon you. Your new life has just triggered and there are more attacks coming your way before your priest can do anything. All hope is lost. Or is it? Not with Second Coming! When new life is triggered and is not kept on with lasting life, second coming transforms itself into new new life affect, although the transformation drains amount of mana from the priest as if the priest cast new life spell, except it's 15% more expensive. This of course requires that the priest is there, if they are not then the transformation lacks the necessary power and simply doesn't happen, leaving second coming enchantment in place to wait for next opportunity.
Dependencies: extended spiritual message + advanced resurrection + extended redemptionAs the priest improves their understanding of Second Coming, they do not loose so much mana when it triggers. The mana requirement is increased by only 10% instead of 15%.
Dependencies: second comingAs the priest improves their understanding of Second Coming, they do not loose so much mana when it triggers. The mana requirement is increased by only 5% instead of 15%.
Dependencies: improved second coming + improved delayed new lifeAs the priest improves their understanding of Second Coming, they do not loose so much mana when it triggers. The mana requirement is no longer increased, it costs just like new life spell.
Dependencies: extended second comingWith advanced second coming the priest can tie together the power of redemption and lasting life. When new life is triggered while character has redemption spell on them, advanced second coming increases chance of lasting life by 10%.
Dependencies: enhanced second coming + advanced lasting life + advanced redemptionThis skill adds power to the priest's interdicts. They are no longer hindered by additional resistance checks and work like any other negative enchantments.
Dependencies: inner peace mastery + divine armorThis is pinnacle of priest's devotion. Priest pray to the god and as answer for the devotion a projection of seraph is invoked. The seraph combines the powers of holy messenger and guardian angel and also has additional powers. Unfortunately, even the projection of such divine being constantly drains priest's mana. Also, presence of seraphic power prevents the priest from fully engaging in magic battles.
Dependencies: advanced divine plea + advanced second coming + advanced spiritual message + advanced delayed new life + advanced prayer of mending + advanced prayer of stabilitySeraph guardian provides wings to priest.
Dependencies: invoke seraph guardianSeraph guardian provides divine protection and also negates align-based damage spells (i.e. dispel evil and similar).
Dependencies: improved invoke seraph guardianReduces mana burden of seraph guardian by half.
Dependencies: extended invoke seraph guardianThe priest can now utilize the power of their seraph guardian to the full extent. The seraph now provides massive boost to magical power. In addition to that, when priest casts high miracle, not only is the target fully healed but also receives some extra maximum hitpoints for 5 rounds. The exact amount depends on target's own maximum and on priest's magical power, base bonus is +5% and each 2000 magical power increases it by further 5%. Each new high miracle restores the duration of this bonus if it is already active.
Dependencies: enhanced invoke seraph guardianThe seraph is is providing its protection even further. The presence of the divine entity makes potential attackers reconsider focusing their attention on the priest. If a switcher mob would like to victimize the priest instead of their current target, there is 75% chance that they would instead look for another victim. If there is no other victim to switch to then they still switch to the priest.
Dependencies: advanced invoke seraph guardianWhen prayer of devotion, mending, purity, serenity, stability or resilience naturally expires, it creates 'answered prayer' affect. If priest already has that affect then its power is increased if this prayer was not yet answered. The answered prayer is only marginally useful by itself but the more powerful it is, the more mana the priest gains from divine plea (+40% per each answered prayer above the first). Also, each prayer answered beyond the first allows the priest to ignore 1mns of cooldown of divine plea. In other words, if priest had three prayers answered, they can use divine plea even if there is 2mns of cooldown remaining. Using divine plea consumes the answered prayer affect.
Dependencies: advanced prayer of devotion + advanced prayer of mending + advanced prayer of purity + advanced prayer of serenity + advanced prayer of stability + advanced prayer of resilienceIncreases mana bonus from test of faith by 20%.
Dependencies: test of faithWith extended test of faith the duration of answered prayer affect is 50% longer.
Dependencies: improved test of faithIncreases mana bonus from test of faith by 30%.
Dependencies: extended test of faithIf divine plea uses answered prayers, its delay is reduced by 20% per prayer above the first one. In other words, if priest has four answered prayers, the delay of divine plea is reduced by 3x20% = 60%.
Dependencies: enhanced test of faith