Battle medics are healers who excel in healing, so called combat-style healing. They draw power from their faith, spiritually link themselves to the ones taking on front line and then share a burden of battle with them. They convert their strength and faith into healing skills and spells, which makes them very effective in every situation. Battle Medics do not turn off ignore wounds by any healing skills or spells. On the other hand, most of Battle Medic skills work best (or only) in battle and only when blood is flowing freely, which means that other type of healing often breaks the effects of Battle Medic. Specifically, warriors cannot benefit from Battle Medic skills when they cannot ignore their wounds. Those who do not have this ability (like most spellcasters) cannot loose it so Battle Medic can always help them, regardless of other healing.
Dependencies:The battle medic needs her heals to not break ignore wounds. The base skill mostly does the trick but if she becomes cursed, however briefly, chances are that her healing spells or skills would break ignore wounds and even if she removes her curse promptly, damage would have been done and her more advanced skills would stop working. With improved battle medic she has another chance to roll if the base skill fails.
Dependencies: battle medicWith this upgrade the battle medic has additional safety layer for the case of curse and any other effect that makes skills less successful. Once battle medic learns the extended upgrade, she has one additional roll available in case the base skill or first upgrade fail.
Dependencies: improved battle medicWith this upgrade the battle medic gets the fourth redundant check for not breaking ignore wounds with her healing spells.
Dependencies: extended battle medicWith this upgrade the battle medic gets the final, fifth redundant check for not breaking ignore wounds with her healing spells.
Dependencies: enhanced battle medicThis skills allow you to heal more during combat by 5% during combat.
Dependencies: battle medicDuring combat monk healing is increased by additional 5% during combat.
Dependencies: combat healingDuring combat monk healing is increased by additional 5% during combat.
Dependencies: improved combat healingDuring combat monk healing is increased by additional 5% during combat.
Dependencies: extended combat healingDuring combat monk healing is increased by additional 5% during combat.
Dependencies: enhanced combat healingMonks are able to draw their power of faith and start radiating holy energy as some kind of beacon. This is type of fighting which is not suppose to kill or hurt enemy. When monk touch an enemy, it does additional effect meaning, each time she hit enemy part of her faith is released and enemy suffer mental damage. This style slightly heal the most injured party member except the monk and her link target. If everyone else is at full health the heal goes to monk or her link target, whoever is more injured. Note that this healing effect does not pass through spiritual link via selfless healer effect. Avatar of faith drains some of monk mana when it hits enemy, depending on current power. Monk can set the healing power, and thus mana requirement, between zero and 100%, according to current needs. The base cost is 125 mana per attack and the effect heals for 3.5x monk's effective level.
Dependencies: advanced combat healingEach hit heals by 5% more compared to previous heal.
Dependencies: avatar of faith + advanced faith of the chosen + total selfless healerEach hit heals by 5% more compared to previous heal. It is now also possible to use Avatar of Faith to replenish charges of Ultimate Faith Of The Chosen. Current power of Avatar defines the chance with each attack that it will attempt to recover one charge. The base chance is 5% per PC in the group (i.e. it does not count NPCs like called animals, animated undead or summoned monsters). This applies for avatar at full power, at reduced power the chance is reduced accordingly. This makes it faster to recover the charges when the group is bigger but then there are more charges to recover. The refresh can work in different ways. If it is set to 'always', it will recreate the effect even when it is fully gone but with single charge. With 'onlyexisting' it will only replenish existing effect but will not create a new one so the monk can cast the spell again with full power. And 'never' option obviously disables this functionality. Beware that activating this option can easily drain a lot of mana as the cost of recharging Ultimate Faith Of The Chosen with Avatar of Faith is the same as when casting it by hand but there is very little control over it, it can only be controlled by setting avatar power to control chance of recharging (and thus chance of draining mana with it). It is strongly recommended to enable the ufoc mode only when getting Hope of the Chosen, especially in larger groups.
Dependencies: improved avatar of faith + advanced prayer of faith + total selfless healerReduce delay of healing skills and spell.
Dependencies: extended avatar of faith + advanced holy sanctuary + advanced spiritual resistanceIf you get cursed or unlucky, the gods provides you with one more chance. Healing light also always removes unlucky opponent
Dependencies: enhanced avatar of faith + advanced divine spirits + advanced spiritual empowermentAdditional 10% healing if you have 350+ align. Also reduce the manacost(avatar of faith) of your hits.
Dependencies: advanced avatar of faith + advanced wall of faith + advanced faithful embraceManacost and movement cost of your healing spells and skills is reduced by 10% if you have 350+ align.
Dependencies: supreme avatar of faith + divine touch of god + advanced baptism of faith + advanced burst of faithThe battle medic is now a true image of divinity. At the beginning of each combat round the power of monk's faith heals both her and target of her spiritual link. As usual, this only works when both monk and her link target do not have disabled ignore wounds. The healing power depends on monk's current avatar power but even with avatar power disabled it still heals a little bit. Additionally, it also increases hitpoint regen of both her and her spiritual link target. This extra regen keeps working even when monk or her link target get their ignore wounds broken, albeit only at 25% power.
Dependencies: ultimate avatar of faith + advanced song of faithReduce the damage done by spiritual link by 2%. If the target has ignore wounds active, this is increased to 3%, however, this will be lost if target ignore wounds turn inactive.
Dependencies: avatar of faithReduce the damage done by spiritual link by 2%. If the target has ignore wounds active, this is increased to 3%, however, this will be lost if target ignore wounds turn inactive.
Dependencies: faithful linkReduce the damage done by spiritual link by 2%. If the target has ignore wounds active, this is increased to 3%, however, this will be lost if target ignore wounds turn inactive.
Dependencies: improved faithful linkReduce the damage done by spiritual link by 2%. If the target has ignore wounds active, this is increased to 3%, however, this will be lost if target ignore wounds turn inactive.
Dependencies: extended faithful linkReduce the damage done by spiritual link by 2%. If the target has ignore wounds active, this is increased to 3%, however, this will be lost if target ignore wounds turn inactive.
Dependencies: enhanced faithful linkFaith of the Chosen is a sign of true faith in your god. You no longer flee from combat as long as it's active, but if you die and your god saves your life through its Another Chance effect, the effect's healing power is increased by 50%.
Dependencies: avatar of faithWhen another chance from Faith of the Chosen triggers, it also restores all vitality.
Dependencies: faith of the chosenWhen another chance from Faith of the Chosen triggers, it also removes poison, in addition to effect of improved faith of the chosen.
Dependencies: improved faith of the chosenIn addition to extended faith of the chosen, this upgrade also removes curse when Faith of the Chosen effect triggers.
Dependencies: extended faith of the chosenIn addition to enhanced faith of the chosen, this upgrade also removes unlucky opponent when Faith of the Chosen effect triggers.
Dependencies: enhanced faith of the chosenIn addition to advanced faith of the chosen, this upgrade also casts healing prayer spell when Faith of the Chosen effect triggers.
Dependencies: advanced faith of the chosenCasting this spell creates a group enchant that has one charge per member of the group, for the additional cost of 1 mana per each effective level in the group (i.e. in a group of five 120-level characters it would cost an extra 600 mana). Whenever a member of the group would die, a charge of this enchant is spent instead and triggers the same effect as if the about-to-die character had a basic faith of the chosen spell on them.
Dependencies: superior faith of the chosenYou desperately pray for your god to let you instantly regenerate some of your mana, health and vitality. If you are using avatar of faith style, you also share this effect with target of your spiritual link. This skill has active cooldown.
Dependencies: ultimate faith of the chosenIncrease the effectiveness of prayer of faith to x2.
Dependencies: prayer of faithIncrease the effectiveness of prayer of faith to x3 (of base power).
Dependencies: improved prayer of faithIncrease the effectiveness of prayer of faith to x4 (of base power).
Dependencies: extended prayer of faithIncrease the effectiveness of prayer of faith to x5 (of base power). If monk or target of her spiritual link have broken ignore wounds, advanced prayer of faith restores it if it was not already on cooldown. This only works if monk has active spiritual link and only when using avatar of faith style.
Dependencies: enhanced prayer of faithThe Spiritual Link no longer consider only your resistance, but choose yours or one from the target of your spiritual link, the one that is better. During this mode, you regain less mana from damage. And also works only if the target has ignore wounds active. The resistance sharing works both ways, if you have better resistance than your link target then they use your resistance against incoming hit.
Dependencies: total selfless healerAs long as monk is not cursed, the target of your spiritual link cannot get cursed.
Dependencies: spiritual resistanceAs long as monk has shield of fanatic, you die at -15%. Target will get sustain affect, copy of monk shield of fanatic.
Dependencies: improved spiritual resistanceYou share holy bless.
Dependencies: extended spiritual resistanceYou share sanctuary.
Dependencies: enhanced spiritual resistanceYou can see target of your spiritual link no matter what and no matter where. It is not like you are actually seeing him, but feeling the connection you two share and knowing his location. Causing you to be able target any targatable skill or spells on target. This also gives you option to summon target as long as two location, yours and target are seekable.
Dependencies: advanced spiritual resistanceWith Divine Spiritual Resistance you no longer suffer reduced mana gain from damage coming via spiritual link.
Dependencies: ultimate spiritual resistanceHoly Sanctuary is hardly dispelled self-only form of sanctuary. This is achieved by it having very high nominal casting cost but monk can cast it much cheaper than that.
Dependencies: advanced prayer of faithWhen casting holy sanctuary the spell now enchants all group members. It does not behave like standard group spell, however, but separate enchantment for each group member.
Dependencies: holy sanctuaryDuration is tripled and recasting will also refresh the duration.
Dependencies: improved holy sanctuaryHoly Sanctuary is stronger by 10% if affected one has 1000 align.
Dependencies: extended holy sanctuaryAfter Holy Sanctuary is dispelled or faded, you get short affect called lasting hope, which gives you same effect as sanctuary. Note: it does NOT count as sanctuary for purposes of advanced spiritual resistance.
Dependencies: enhanced holy sanctuaryMonks can focus and release their divine power to unleash devastating force upon their enemies. This is something similar, but works on your allies and heals them. This is a healing skill of last resort, if everything is going pear-shaped and the group is about to go way of the dodo. The battle medic can let her faith explode in a burst of healing energy, recovering massive amounts of health for every group member. But the cost of this healing is great, making it useless for general healing. It is not all so bad, however. As battle medic is using her other healing powers, she gets an effect called 'hope of the faithful'. The more healing powers she uses the higher charge this affects gets, up to 20. The higher the charge gets, the cheaper burst of faith gets, with up to 90% discount at all 20 charges. As hope of the faithful is used by burst of faith, monk gets another hope. With hope of the chosen it is easier to recover a bad situation when several chosen are saved with Ultimate Faith of the Chosen. Each charge of hope of the faithful provides 5% discount to manacost of Ultimate Faith of the Chosen via hope of the chosen. Beware that hope of the chosen lasts very short time (one or two rounds) so it needs to be timed wisely.
Dependencies: advanced prayer of faithEach charge of hope reduce also delay, if unleashed with full charges, this skill has no delay.
Dependencies: burst of faithBurst of Faith also reduce next incoming damage done but the protection disappears quickly if not triggered.
Dependencies: improved burst of faithMaximum mana cost of Burst of faith is reduced. The charge for hope of the faithful increases twice as fast.
Dependencies: extended burst of faithEach charge of hope of the faithful will leaves a shield of 5% amount healed, meaning at maximum charge this will shield targets with 50% of healed amount (but no more than max hp). This protection only last short time if not consumed by incoming damage.
Dependencies: enhanced burst of faithMonks now can use little of power granted by Gods for their long-persisting faith. This skill heals you and target of your spiritual link simultaneously and has 3 modes. Normal, holy and divine, by default normal is choice. Holy version increase healing by 20% and increase manacost by 30%. Divine version doubles the healing, but manacost is increased to 300%. At 1000 align, this heal this will act as holy version without additional manacost unless divine version is chosen. The base healing power is based on hitroll, damroll and effective level, as in 3x (dam + hit + level). This skill only works while using avatar of faith style.
Dependencies: divine spiritual resistanceYour Touch of God now create affect called Divine Resilliance. The Divine Resilliance reduce the next incoming damage by 10%. If it is not triggered within short time, the protection dissipates with no effect.
Dependencies: touch of godReduce the mana cost and move cost of your Touch of God.
Dependencies: improved touch of godReduce the delay after using this skill, in additional touch of god now enable to stack up to two charge of the divine resilliance.
Dependencies: extended touch of godThe Divine Resilliance now lasts twice as long before it dissipates without triggering. It still dissipates normally when triggered by damage.
Dependencies: enhanced touch of godIncrease healing done and also cause your target, if it has 350+ align to feel a peace of mind as from touch from divine being
Dependencies: advanced touch of godSeek can be casted more than once per tick, after leaving and entering, reduce delay of the spellcast.
Dependencies: advanced holy sanctuaryIf target of your spiritual link dies, you immediately get a short-term boost to recover your group from it. If you are linked with someone who is protecting the group, you get a boost to hitpoints equal to 1/3 of maximum hitpoints of the linked character, plus 1/3 of their AC. Additionally, you also switch style to holy man and if you were not protecting your group yet, you start doing so. Should you be linked to someone who is not protecting the group, you instead regain 1/3 of your mana and your delay is reduced to only 1/3, allowing you to cast more spells while the glory effect lasts. Useful to get your group to sanctuary, for example. Your glorious feeling disappears after one or two combat rounds so you need to act quickly to take advantage of the bonuses provided to recover your group.
Dependencies: divine spiritual resistanceRestore also 50% of your missing health and mana.
Dependencies: spiritual gloryWhen spiritual glory triggers, you can immediately act, even if you had delay from previously used skill or spell. This delay immediately ends.
Dependencies: improved spiritual gloryThe spiritual glory effect lasts one extra round.
Dependencies: extended spiritual gloryWhen you or your link target is about to die, the spiritual glory surges up and prevents this death, instead returning the dying character to full health. Once this happens, a cooldown effect prevents it from happening again for several rounds but it also improves power of ignore wounds by extra 10%. This cooldown applies to both the battle medic and link target, regardless of which one triggers the revival. This effect can only trigger when using avatar of faith style and only when both the battle medic and link target do not have broken ignore wounds.
Dependencies: enhanced spiritual gloryBattle medic often needs to deal with all kinds of curses and other negative enchantments. As someone who sees there from up close, she has developed a way to get rid of many of them, especially those based on darkness or cruelty. The efficiency depends on battle medic's alignment, pure good battle medic always removes at least one bad enchant, evil battle medic has very low chance for any useful effect.
Dependencies: advanced contemplative healIncreases chance for dispeling more bad effects. Battle medic doesn't need to be pure good to automatically dispel one bad effect, but still needs to be good enough for that.
Dependencies: cleanseWith extended cleanse the battle medic always removes at least two bad enchants if she is pure good. Even exactly neutral battle medic is now guaranteed to remove at least single bad enchant.
Dependencies: improved cleanseEven battle medic who is good just by a tiny sliver from neutral can now reliably remove two bad enchants. Neutral monks are now guaranteed to remove at least one bad enchant even if they are just a tiny bit from bad, if they are almost good they can even remove two reliably. Evil battle medics still do not benefit, as evilness and healing do not really go together very well.
Dependencies: extended cleanseEach dispelled enchant heals also the target. Only works on good characters.
Dependencies: enhanced cleanseAlso cause soul be more calm, in harmony with her faith. Just as harmony recovery spell.
Dependencies: advanced cleanseWhen battle medic uses her cleanse skill, it now cleanses not just the target but also all other members of the group. It still needs to be targetted just like the basic version, because the target is prioritized.
Dependencies: ultimate cleanseAfter monk dies he turn into embodiment of faith. He will immediately come back to life, with full hitpoints and mana, still member of the group, but only in spiritual form. The body is still dead, with all the monk's items. The spiritual form is unstable and monk takes increasing amounts of damage every combat round until the spiritual form dissipates and the monk dies for real few rounds later, this time leaving no corpse as there is no body to form the corpse from. If monk's groupmates return the corpse back to life (with resurrection, rebirth or similar spells), the monk's spirit immediately returns to the newly-revived body and continues fighting.
Dependencies: advanced spiritual gloryDuring embodiment of faith your all skills and spells cost only half.
Dependencies: embodiment of faithDuring embodiment of faith you take 50% less damage but you cannot have protect or guard on.
Dependencies: improved embodiment of faithReduces the initial damage from embodiment of faith, allowing the battle medic to remain in the spiritual form a little longer before it dissipates.
Dependencies: extended embodiment of faithWhen battle medic dies and is affected by resurrection sickness, the normal manacost penalty for spells does not apply.
Dependencies: enhanced embodiment of faithShortly after your link is forcefully closed, you can drag your mate back to the living fully restored. You keep your spiritual link once dragged back. You immediately drag target with another chance buff. Having one's spirit dragged back to body right after death is quite a shock and until the target recovers from this shock it is not possible to use this skill on them again. This is skill and not spell, so it can be done even in !magic room. Also force target to wear his/her equipment.
Dependencies: advanced spiritual gloryBattle medic fights alongside her mate in the front line. When the enemy tries to swing wide and hit everyone in the group, battle medic can step aside and materialize the spiritual link with her mate into a form of tangible barrier that blocks the wide swing. The battle medic and her mate are still in the path of the swing, with her mate actually taking both hits and transferring part via spiritual link. But rest of the group is safe behind the wall. This effect works just as well against breath attacks, with the same caveat that the battle medic and her mate are exposed to the attack. While wall of faith is active it partially blocks mana replenishment from spiritual link as the link is harder to maintain. When it blocks an attack, however, it starts resonating for one round and sustains itself, allowing full mana replenishment from spiritual link. Wall of faith can only be brought into existence while using avatar of faith style and only when ignore wounds is not deactivated on either side of the link. Blocking attacks with wall of faith drains some mana, proportional to the amount of damage.
Dependencies: advanced divine spiritsReduces penalty to mana gained via spiritual link to 50%.
Dependencies: wall of faithIncreases duration of resonance to 2 rounds.
Dependencies: improved wall of faithReduces penalty to mana from spiritual link to 40%.
Dependencies: extended wall of faithIncreases duration of resonance to 3 rounds.
Dependencies: enhanced wall of faithIncrease Healing done to yourself by 10% of power of your spiritual link. Also your healing spells and skills cost 5% less mana and move if you target your spiritual link mate.
Dependencies: spirit remainsAdditional 10% healing and 5% reduction.
Dependencies: spiritual empowermentAdditional 10% healing and 5% reduction.
Dependencies: improved spiritual empowermentAdditional 10% healing and 5% reduction.
Dependencies: extended spiritual empowermentAdditional 10% healing and 5% reduction.
Dependencies: enhanced spiritual empowermentIn the case of a group disaster the battle medic needs to get the group back into fighting shape sooner rather than later. One of the most important aspects of this is the ability to exact retribution on the enemy for their attacks, or potentially prevent them from doing the same to the group. Casting eye for an eye on each member of the group separately is certainly an option but with more members of the group it is anything but fast. Battle medics have learned how to do this with single spell. With retribution of the chosen, all members of the group get the benefit of eye for an eye right away.
Dependencies: spirit remainsIn this mode, monks turns his faith into life, of course she has plenty to give, as her faith is bottomless, regardless this cause her body to take additional stress. With living faith enabled, all healing to spiritual link target is more powerful but also more costly. This is not especially cost effective but it has the advantage that it works even when battle medic or her link target has broken ignore wounds. Therefore it is most useful when battle medic is a secondary healer who is keeping alive someone else than the primary tank, and priest or druid is healing tank and potentially rest of the group, breaking ignore wounds left and right. It still requires avatar of faith style to summon forth the living faith.
Dependencies: divine cleanseImproved knowledge of living faith allows battle medic to increase her healing power to spiritual link target from +25% to +30%.
Dependencies: living faithWith extended living faith it is no longer so expensive to boost healing power. The cost penalty is reduced from +60% to +55%.
Dependencies: improved living faithEnhanced understanding of living faith allows the battle medic to only spend 50% more mana and move for her heals to spiritual link target.
Dependencies: extended living faithNow that the battle medic has reached the full understanding of her living faith, her heals to spiritual link target grow from +30% to +35% more powerful. It is still not super cost effective so not great for primary healing but as secondary healer it should make things much easier.
Dependencies: enhanced living faithYou embrace your spiritual link target in faith. With ignore wounds being active, you can also partially share some of your stats. Initially you share 5% your maxhit with your link target and they share 5% of theirs with you. Embracing your link target in faith is demanding, however, and it increases manacost of your spells by 5%.
Dependencies: advanced spiritual empowermentYou now share 10% of your maxhit to the target and target share 10% of his maxhit to you.
Dependencies: faithful embraceYou now share divine protection with target of your spiritual link.
Dependencies: improved faithful embraceYours spirits are embraced, providing bonus to dodge and parry, in such way, that it seem, that you are higher level than you actually are.
Dependencies: extended faithful embraceThe spell immunity is shared via link.
Dependencies: enhanced faithful embraceYour linked target and you are totally synchronized duo on battlefield. As long as both of you are using some kind of style, your harmony will allow you to take on and redirected switches. The art in combination with total synchronization will cause the one with less health to jump before incoming attack and redirect it to the other one with more health.
Dependencies: advanced faithful embraceSkilled and experienced battle medics were all undoing a secret ritual of faith. The whereabouts or the method of this ritual is still unknown. But those who survived it were changed forever. Baptism of faith is ability which is boosting many of your skills but it comes with its own cost. While you are using baptism of faith option all damage coming from spiritual link is increased by 5%. With basic version of baptism of faith each time you heal target of your spiritual link for more hitpoints than necessary, the extra healing goes back via the link to you. This healing reflection only applies in avatar of faith style and only when full battle medic link is active.
Dependencies: advanced faithful embraceWith improved baptism of faith the battle medic with active full battle medic link benefits from 10% better regeneration under effect of holy light.
Dependencies: baptism of faithWith extended baptism of faith the battle medic can increase duration of positive enchants cast on herself of her link mate. This only functions with avatar of faith style and only with full battle medic link active.
Dependencies: improved baptism of faithYou now can cast healing spells at your link mate or yourself even when under the effect of mind stop spell. Doing so will cause your heals cost 100% more mana.
Dependencies: extended baptism of faithYour unswerving faith now can increase power of your heals twice as much, as long as you have full battle medic link with avatar of faith style.
Dependencies: enhanced baptism of faithThere are times when returning from sanctuary back to the place where one was isn't necessarily the best thing ever. Or there is just nothing more to do there. Instead, battle medic can leave her sanctuary by effect the battle medics call "seek home". This works as if she used word of recall in the place where she entered her sanctuary and just like with seeking sanctuary, battle medic takes her group with her. In other words, it works like group recall cast at the point where she entered sanctuary.
Dependencies: everwelcoming sanctuary + ultimate spiritual resistanceMonks have learned how to use their fate to speedup their spell up. They can select 5 spells and those will be immediately casted on them. The list of spells in boon of faith can be manipulated with "add", "remove" and "clear" options, with "add" and "remove" requiring the spell argument (obviously). All spells in the boon can be cast with "cast" option. Only beneficial enchantments can be added to boon of faith.
Dependencies: supreme avatar of faithThe faith is only affecting them, but is also supporting their spiritual link mates. Of course despite their bottomless faith, the spells unique for monks will not be transfered to the target, only the common ones. This happens automatically each time monk casts her boon of faith if her link mate is with her.
Dependencies: boon of faithTheir faith is now the most rewarding when it comes to spell up... With this skill, monks can select any amount of spells and they will be deployed all at once. Also slightly decrease their manacost, by around 10% overall.
Dependencies: ultimate boon of faithWith avatar of faith style the battle medic can redirect power of her attacks into healing power. She can also sing about her faith. Doing so inspires her to perform an extra attack each round, providing another opportunity for surge of healing power. The song's rhythm is quite catching so the rest of the group can easily fall into the rhythm and get one extra attack, too.
Dependencies: advanced living faith + advanced divine replenishmentThe catchy rhythm keeps the whole group engaged in combat. Effects that would scare the group members away have 30% lower chance of working as the song of faith keeps them in the fight.
Dependencies: song of faithSong of faith resonates with battle medic's healing power so whenever she heals anyone in the group, the healing is boosted by 5%.
Dependencies: improved song of faithFurther enhancement of the song now makes it even easier to resist the effects of fear. The chance of running away is reduced by 50%. Those who are pure good (alignment +1000) are so in sync with the song of faith that they won't be scared off at all.
Dependencies: extended song of faithThe resonance of song of faith and battle medic's healing powers increases even more, adding further 5% to battle medic's heals.
Dependencies: enhanced song of faithMonk has approached the divine status. Once she reaches this level, she has increased healing and reduce damage done by spiritual link by 1%. This is then increased by additional 1% for each party member, whos align is 1000. This is spark of divinity, this skill has no side effects.
Dependencies: divine avatar of faith + advanced healing prayer + divine cleanse + advanced embodiment of faith + divine boon of faith + advanced battle medic + absolute duo + seek home + retribution of the chosen