
+5% damage vs dragons


Improved Dragonslaying

+5% damage vs dragons

Dependencies: dragonslaying

Extended Dragonslaying

+5% damage vs dragons

Dependencies: improved dragonslaying

Enhanced Dragonslaying

+5% damage vs dragons

Dependencies: extended dragonslaying

Advanced Dragonslaying

+10% damage vs dragons

Dependencies: enhanced dragonslaying


increase damage vs. dragons based on effective level

Dependencies: advanced dragonslaying

Improved Dragonbane

increase damage vs. dragons based on effective level

Dependencies: dragonbane

Extended Dragonbane

increase damage vs. dragons based on effective level when fighting in war cry. Even better bonus if fighting in battle frenzy

Dependencies: improved dragonbane

Enhanced Dragonbane

increase damage vs. dragons based on effective level when fighting in breath synchro

Dependencies: extended dragonbane

Advanced Dragonbane

increase damage vs. dragons based on effective level when fighting in pulse attack

Dependencies: enhanced dragonbane

Breath Resistance

5% reduction of incoming breath damage

Dependencies: advanced dragonslaying

Improved Breath Resistance

5% reduction of incoming breath damage

Dependencies: breath resistance

Extended Breath Resistance

7% reduction of incoming breath damage

Dependencies: improved breath resistance

Enhanced Breath Resistance

8% reduction of incoming breath damage

Dependencies: extended breath resistance

Advanced Breath Resistance

15% reduction of incoming breath damage

Dependencies: enhanced breath resistance


damage bonus vs. high crush resist (0.05% per point of resist above 500, up to 800), weaponless nonhumanoid only

Dependencies: advanced dragonslaying

Improved Scalebreaking

additional 0.05% up to resist 900

Dependencies: scalebreaking

Extended Scalebreaking

additional 0.05% up to resist 950

Dependencies: improved scalebreaking

Enhanced Scalebreaking

additional 0.1% from resist 800 to 950

Dependencies: extended scalebreaking

Advanced Scalebreaking

additional 0.5% from resist 900 to 975

Dependencies: enhanced scalebreaking


damage bonus vs. high crush resist and high ac, weaponless nonhumanoid only (crush above 500, ac above -1500, +0.05% up to ac -2000)

Dependencies: advanced scalebreaking

Improved Armorbreaking

+0.05% per ac above -1500, up to -2000

Dependencies: armorbreaking

Extended Armorbreaking

+0.1% per ac above -1750, up to -2250

Dependencies: improved armorbreaking

Enhanced Armorbreaking

+0.1% per ac above -1750, up to -2250

Dependencies: extended armorbreaking

Advanced Armorbreaking

+0.2% per ac above -1750, up to -2250

Dependencies: enhanced armorbreaking

Breath Shield

10% resistance vs breath attacks

Dependencies: advanced dragonbane

Improved Breath Shield

additional 10% resistance vs breath attacks

Dependencies: breath shield

Extended Breath Shield

additional 10% resistance vs breath attacks

Dependencies: improved breath shield

Enhanced Breath Shield

additional 15% resistance vs breath attacks

Dependencies: extended breath shield

Advanced Breath Shield

additional 20% resistance vs breath attacks

Dependencies: enhanced breath shield

Massive Impact

reduce ac for damage computation by weapon weight*10 when crush 500+ and ac -1500+ vs weaponless nonhumanoids, hitroll penalty; toggle

Dependencies: advanced armorbreaking

Improved Massive Impact

after ac reduction, increase damage by weapon weight

Dependencies: massive impact

Extended Massive Impact

after ac reduction, increase damage by weapon weight once more

Dependencies: improved massive impact

Enhanced Massive Impact

after ac reduction, increase damage by additional 2x weapon weight

Dependencies: extended massive impact

Advanced Massive Impact

after ac reduction, increase damage by further 3x weapon weight

Dependencies: enhanced massive impact

Crushing Axe

axes can be used as crushing weapons instead of slashing with 30% penalty to damage; toggle

Dependencies: massive impact

Improved Crushing Axe

damage penalty reduced to 20%

Dependencies: crushing axe

Extended Crushing Axe

can also use swords for dealing crush damage

Dependencies: improved crushing axe

Enhanced Crushing Axe

can also use spears, polearms, scythes, pickaxes and halberds as crushing weapons

Dependencies: extended crushing axe

Advanced Crushing Axe

damage penalty reduced to 10%

Dependencies: enhanced crushing axe

Armor Penetration

penetrate crush resist with weapon weight - crush resist below 800 is reduced by weapon weight when using crushing damage, weaponless nonhumanoids only; toggle

Dependencies: advanced massive impact

Improved Armor Penetration

additional 50% weapon weight used for reduction, this bonus works up to resist 850

Dependencies: armor penetration

Extended Armor Penetration

additional 30% weapon weight used for reduction, up to resist 900

Dependencies: improved armor penetration

Enhanced Armor Penetration

additional 30% weapon weight used for reduction, up to resist 950

Dependencies: extended armor penetration

Advanced Armor Penetration

damage after ac reduction increased by weaponweight*MAX(0, (980-crushresist))/200

Dependencies: enhanced armor penetration

Dragon Armor

create armor from dragon's corpse (norepair autoscrap, with crush resist and possibly other bonuses depending on dragon's stats)

Dependencies: advanced armorbreaking + advanced dragonbane

Improved Dragon Armor

dragon armor lasts longer

Dependencies: dragon armor

Extended Dragon Armor

can also create shields

Dependencies: improved dragon armor

Enhanced Dragon Armor

can also create leggings

Dependencies: extended dragon armor

Advanced Dragon Armor

increased bonuses

Dependencies: enhanced dragon armor