2% damage bonus when in group with 2+ members. Only works when fighter can keep track of the others in the group, i.e. not when fighter is mad with battle frenzy.
Dependencies:additional 2% damage bonus
Dependencies: art of war3% damage bonus when in group with 4+ members
Dependencies: improved art of war3% damage bonus when in group with 4+ members
Dependencies: extended art of war3% damage bonus when in group with 2+ members (really two)
Dependencies: enhanced art of warblock all wimpers when continual hitall active, cannot flee
Dependencies: advanced art of wargreater blocking chance
Dependencies: fight to last bloodWith destabilizing blow the fighter has another way to inflict damage on the enemy. There is a 50% that the enemy would be significantly destabilized which then allows the fighter, if he uses Deep Breath skill, to get the enemy off balance so they have much more difficulty executing hitalls. While they still try to hit everyone with hitall, Half of the attacks from hitall just miss outright and the other half does up to 90% less damage. The destabilizing effect lasts 2mns and the hitall is corrupted only for the round when fighter uses Deep Breath (but Deep Breath is used automatically every round when it is enabled so that's a condition easy to satisfy).
Dependencies: advanced art of warWith improved destabilizing blow the chance to allow Deep Breath to also destabilize hitalls grows to 75%.
Dependencies: destabilizing blowThe destabilizing effect of the skill now lasts at least one mns longer, usually two mns longer.
Dependencies: improved destabilizing blowWith enhanced destabilizing blow the fighter now always inflicts the destabilizing effect when using the skill. This allows the fighter to provide fairly good protection from hitalls for the group.
Dependencies: extended destabilizing blowWhen enemy is affected by destabilizing blow and you are focusing on attack by utilizing your Blood Power, you add extra 300% of your weapon average to your melee attacks. Note that this is not dependent on Deep Breath.
Dependencies: enhanced destabilizing blow + advanced battle manoeuversmore reliable groupretreat, lesser exploss
Dependencies: advanced art of warbetter gretreat chance, lesser exploss
Dependencies: battle manoeuversbetter gretreat chance, lesser exploss
Dependencies: improved battle manoeuversbetter gretreat chance, lesser exploss
Dependencies: extended battle manoeuversbetter gretreat chance, lesser exploss
Dependencies: enhanced battle manoeuverstaunting the enemy prevents switching until end of round, or forces target to switch to you from whoever target is currently fighting
Dependencies: advanced battle manoeuversgreater chance of success for battle taunt affect
Dependencies: battle tauntbattle taunt affect can last for 2 rounds
Dependencies: improved battle tauntgreater chance for extended battle taunt
Dependencies: extended battle tauntbattle taunt affect can last for 3 rounds
Dependencies: enhanced battle tauntconfidence decreases skill delay by 10%, movecost +25%
Dependencies: advanced battle manoeuversdelay -10%
Dependencies: confident skilldelay -10%
Dependencies: improved confident skillmovecost increased only by 15% instead of 25
Dependencies: extended confident skillif skill fails, delay -50%
Dependencies: enhanced confident skilldirected gretreat
Dependencies: advanced battle manoeuversif tactical retreat fails to set direction, check this skill instead
Dependencies: tactical retreatif even improved tactical retreat fails, extended tactical retreat can still fix it
Dependencies: improved tactical retreatcan retreat two rooms, must be in the same direction
Dependencies: extended tactical retreatcan retreat two rooms, may be in different direction each
Dependencies: enhanced tactical retreatscreamofterror when in confidence and deepbreath is more effective
Dependencies: advanced confident skillscreamofterror delay -10% under these conditions
Dependencies: confident screamfurther -10% delay
Dependencies: improved confident screamadditional effectivity enhancement
Dependencies: extended confident screameven more effective scream when in confidence+deepbreath
Dependencies: enhanced confident scream
launching battlefrenzy combos in warcry on demand, syntax "frenzycombo
additional combo available: crackedbones
Dependencies: temporary frenzyadditional combo available: attaaack
Dependencies: improved temporary frenzyadditional combo available: bashcombo (hit+powerblow+hit+superstrike+hit+dadlyfist+fall)
Dependencies: extended temporary frenzyadditional combo available: banzai
Dependencies: enhanced temporary frenzydamage with shield, depends on shield weight (20Dweight + 20Dlevel)
Dependencies: advanced confident skilldamage +20%
Dependencies: shield attackdelay -20%
Dependencies: improved shield attackdamage +20%
Dependencies: extended shield attackshield attack is followed by single melee attack
Dependencies: enhanced shield attackThe fighter is now used to handling his shield in all situations, both defensive and offensive, that holding it is a second nature to him. Even under mental assault that would normally force him to lose his grip, it is just not happening. When hit by neural shock, the fighter has a good chance to not lose his grip and keep his shield. The heavier the shield the harder it is to keep the grip. Weightless shields have 60% chance for not being lost, shields weighing 100 have 30% chance, down to 15% chance for shields weighing 150 or more.
Dependencies: advanced shield attackThe fighter is getting better with keeping his shield even under mental assault. The chance of not losing the shield is doubled. For very lightweight shields this could easily take the chance above 100%, if that is the case the fighter simply cannot be rid of his shield with neural shock.
Dependencies: shield gripThe shield is now almost an extension of fighter's arm. The chance of not losing it to neural shock is increased by one more multiple of base chance.
Dependencies: improved shield gripThe fighter is so used to holding his shield that very few neural shocks can force him to let go of it. The chance of not losing the shield from neural shock increases by one more multiple of base chance
Dependencies: extended shield gripThe fighter now really treats the shield as an extension of his body. The chance of not losing the shield from neural shock increases by one more multiple of base chance. The fighter can never lose any shield weighing no more than 133lbs when all levels of shield grip succeed.
Dependencies: enhanced shield grip